Meet Hayley, Your Active Travel Advisor
Hi there, I’m Hayley, your Active Travel advisor!
I’m an Ilkley local and am delighted to be able to help local people become more active. If you’ve recently been stuck in a rut and want to get out and about more- I can support you in making those changes.
Maybe you want to get fit again or maybe you just want to enjoy the great outdoors more, or maybe you just want to meet new people and have a chat while doing something active. Ilkley Active Travel Hub is your one-stop shop to help you on your way to achieving all these things. All you need to do is fill in the contact form below and I’ll do the rest! I look forward to chatting with you soon.
Who We Are and What We Do
Ilkley Active Travel Hub provides support, advice and encouragement to help you discover walking and cycling options that work for you.
The project is run by Climate Action Ilkley, with support from West Yorkshire Combined Authority. The project supports the Mayor of West Yorkshire and West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s objectives to enable people to walk, cycle and wheel for everyday journeys and for leisure and recreation.
Our Partners
We are grateful to a range of community partners who are helping us to deliver this project by providing support, as well as activities that people can join in.
Steering Group
Café & social enterprise offering space for activities and meeting point for guided walks and rides.
Visit Website
Community Partners
Name | Website | Description |
Ilkley Town Council | Ilkley Town Council | Town Council promotes active travel and has advocated for Wharfedale Greenway, 20mph zone. Is promoting "Healthy Streets". |
Wharfedale, Airedale and Craven Alliance | WACA | Collaboration of GP practices offering social prescribing. They will refer suitable clients onto project for walking/cycling activity. |
Access the Dales | Access the Dales | Charity that organises all ability access to the Dales (including cycle equipment at hubs around Dales). |
British Cycling | British Cycling | Offers Let's Ride (including cycle ride leader training) and assists setting up of community cycling groups. |
Burley Walkers are Welcome | Walkers are Welcome | Local branch of national Walkers are Welcome Scheme running several guided walks and practical volunteering to improve footpaths. Planning to develop list of local accessible walks. |
CNET | CNET | Community empowerment organisation that has developed several initiatives including self-guided walks around the area, Keighley Walking Festival etc. |
Cycling UK | Cycling UK | Responsible for Cycling for Health Programme commissioned by WYCA. |
Experience Community | Experience Community | Charity that organises all ability cycling and walking activity and will provide 'mobile hub' to bring equipment to Ilkley for people to try out. |
Friends of Ilkley Moor | Friends of Ilkley Moor | Charity that promotes conservation and respectful use of Ilkley Moor. Provides social walks on the Moor from April-September. |
Ilkley Harriers | Ilkley Harriers | Local running club. Occasionally runs "Couch to 5k" programmes for beginner runners. |
Lower Wharfedale Ramblers | Lower Wharfedale Ramblers | Local branch of Ramblers, running several group walks each week. |
LS29 | LS29 | Local family support group for families with children with disabilities or learning difficulties. Runs several activities for its members. |
Otley Town Council | Otley Town Council | Running Otley Active Travel Hub: Ilkley and Otley Active Travel Hubs to collaborate and promote each others' projects. |
University of the Third Age | University of the Third Age | National organisation, with local group, that provides range of activities for older people. Ilkley group runs several social walks per week. 1800 members. |
Bradford Council | Bradford Council | The Council will help with liaisons with other Active Travel Hub projects and would like to receive feedback from the project on measures to improve facilities for walking and cycling in Ilkley. |
Clarke Foley Centre | Clarke Foley Centre | Community centre offering space for meetings. Venue for many groups project will be targeting. |
Friends of Wharfedale Greenway | Friends of Wharfedale Greenway | Community group advocating for development of Wharfedale Greenway. |
Ilkley Business Improvement District | Ilkley BID | The Aim of the Ilkley BID is to deliver a brighter future for Ilkley by helping businesses to flourish, attracting visitors and ensuring that the town prospers by working together. |
Ilkley Good Neighbours | Ilkley Good Neighbours | Local charity operating a range of social and practical schemes, constantly striving to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people in the district. |
Ilkley Rugby Club | Ilkley Rugby Club | Venue for offering off-road cycle training. |
The Ilkley Active Travel Hub project is seeking to encourage and support more people to walk, cycle and wheel more often. Active travel has significant personal health benefits. More people travelling actively can help to reduce car use, congestion, air pollution and carbon footprint. The project will offer advice and support for people to take up active travel options. This advice is given in good faith. We are not medical experts and participants take responsibility for their own health, fitness and ability for undertaking activities.
If they are in doubt, they should seek medical guidance. All participants undertake activities at their own risk. They should ensure they are adequately prepared for the activity in terms of suitable clothing, equipment and refreshment.
If participants experience any discomfort or problems during an organised activity, they should immediately inform the organiser. As such, in the event of illness or injury as a result of taking part in an activity, all participants agree that they will not hold Climate Action Ilkley responsible.