Couch to 5k

Couch to 5k Group

Have you always fancied doing Couch to 5K? Do you find you need a bit of extra motivation? And doing Couch to 5k with like-minded people is the exact motivation you need?
For those that don’t know, Couch to 5k is a running plan for absolute beginners. It’s for any ability and you follow the plan on an app that you can download onto your phone 
And the good news is, the Ilkley Active Travel Hub have now set up its very own Couch to 5k group. It’s a great way to stay motivated and also have fun while you get fit.
So, why not join our local Couch to 5k group? It is open to anyone and everyone and it’s completely free. Just turn up!
Check out our Events page for the dates that it will be taking place (frequency will be decided once the group meet up for the first time), but the very first meeting will be Friday 16th February at 10:30am at the Riverside Gardens (near the memorial). Will we see you there?