Rotary Club- Recycle Day

The Rotary Club of Ilkley Wharfedale will hold their annual collection of items for recycling on 5th October. As usual the event takes place in the Main Ilkley Car Park. Please bring any old bicycles (both children’s and adult bicycles), old workshop tools which are no longer wanted, sewing machines, mobility aids, spectacles and even old trainers. The Club is supported by the Margaret Carey Foundation which collects bicycles, wheelchairs and walking aids and has them refurbished mainly in prisons (to help prisoners attain a skill and thereby reduce re-offending), they are then donated to people in need in the UK and overseas. Tools For Africa who give new life to unwanted tools and assembles them into kits for carpenters, builders, automotive repairs, dressmakers etc. and distributes these through WorkAid to African countries so that they can start small businesses and support their communities. Finally, Biasan (Bradford Immigration and Asylum Support and Advice Network) collecting trainers for their charity.