Summer Visit- Snaizeholme, Hawes – Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Snaizeholme, Hawes
Visit to see this Woodland Trust site being managed for climate and wildlife (inc. red squirrels and black grouse). Meet/park 10am at Hawes car park or adjacent Gayle Lane – we will then drive in a small number of cars to the site. Numbers limited—please contact Helen Steward on 07760 883865 to reserve your place.
NB No mobile reception in the valley.
Leader: Alistair Nash – 07786 661859
Please ensure you ring the Leader if planning to attend and cancel explicitly if you need to to do so. Please car-share if
possible. Meet at site at time stated. Bring lunch is desired. More details and directions from Leader. Visit the Wharfedale Naturalists’ website>