Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Family Friendly Improve Your Skills- Birds - Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Birds: Family-friendly Wetlands, Saltholme RSPB

These family-friendly wetlands feature a vibrant Visitor Centre, new hides and screens, a cafe, play area and accessible trails, helping you discover lots of wildlife.
Meet 11am at reserve car park, Saltholme RSPB at NZ503232.
Please ring leader if planning to come.
Leader: David Smith 07773 716930

Please ensure you ring the Leader if planning to attend and
cancel explicitly if you need to to do so. Please car-share if
possible. Meet at site at time stated. Bring lunch, if desired.
Bring RSPB /YWT card where appropriate. More details and directions from Leader. Visit the Wharfedale Naturalists’ website>

Saltholme RSPB car park


Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Improve Your Skills- Birds - Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Birds: Waterfowl and Early Spring Migrants
Knotford Nook Lagoons (and Castley afterwards)
Meet 9.30am at entrance to the Yorkshire Water Treatment
Plant. Coming from Otley on A659 towards Pool, take first left after Otley Garden Centre and park where convenient in this minor road SE221460.
Leaders: Rita and Anthony Grainger 0113 2583790

Please ensure you ring the Leader if planning to attend and
cancel explicitly if you need to to do so. Please car-share if
possible. Meet at site at time stated. Bring lunch, if desired.
Bring RSPB /YWT card where appropriate. More details and directions from Leader. Visit the Wharfedale Naturalists’ website>

Entrance to the Yorkshire Water Treatment


Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Birding- Staveley - Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Staveley YWT Reserve
Meet/park in reserve car park SE369630, 10.30am
Parking limited—if necessary, park sensibly in village and
walk down. Chance to see avocets and other waders and
possible common terns, as well as a variety of songbirds.
Leader: Nigel Steels – 07794 992189

Please ensure you ring the Leader if planning to attend and
cancel explicitly if you need to to do so. Please car-share if
possible. Meet at site at time stated. Bring lunch, if desired.
Bring RSPB /YWT card where appropriate. More details and directions from Leader. Visit their website>

Staveley Reserve Car Park


Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Birding- North Cave Wetlands YWT Reserve - Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

North Cave Wetlands YWT Reserve
A mixture of shallow and deep-water lakes with wide
margins and islands, reedbeds, grassy banks and meadows, hedgerows and wooded fringes. 5 hides and easy walking.
Meet 10am at reserve car park SE886328
Leader David Smith – 07773 716930

Please ensure you ring the Leader if planning to attend and cancel explicitly if you need to to do so. Please car-share if
possible. Meet at site at time stated. Bring lunch, if desired.
Bring RSPB /YWT card where appropriate. More details and directions from Leader. Visit the Wharfedale Naturalists’ website>

North Cave Wetlands YWT Reserve


Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Birding- Blacktoft Sands RSPB Reserve - Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Blacktoft Sands RSPB Reserve- DN14 8HR
Blacktoft Sands has the largest tidal reedbed in England
and is home to marsh harriers, bitterns and bearded tits.
Meet 10am at reserve, SE843233
Leader: David Smith – 07773 716930

Please ensure you ring the Leader if planning to attend and cancel explicitly if you need to to do so. Please car-share if
possible. Meet at site at time stated. Bring lunch, if desired.
Bring RSPB /YWT card where appropriate. More details and directions from Leader. Visit the Wharfedale Naturalists’ website>

Blacktoft Sands RSPB Reserve

DN14 8HR


Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Birding- Stainburn Forest Nightjars - Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Stainburn Forest—Nightjars
Meet 9pm at Stainburn Moor car park SE236522
Be prepared to stay until dark; a torch is useful.
Insect repellent may be needed.
Leader: Derek Parkin – 01943 864036

Please ensure you ring the Leader if planning to attend and
cancel explicitly if you need to to do so. Please car-share if
possible. Meet at site at time stated. Bring lunch, if desired.
Bring RSPB /YWT card where appropriate. More details and directions from Leader. Visit the Wharfedale Naturalists’ website>

Stainburn Moor car park


Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Birding- Gouthwaite and Scar House - Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Gouthwaite and Scar House—Ring Ouzels
Meet 10am at small car park at Gouthwaite Reservoir
Leader: David Smith – 07773 716930

Please ensure you ring the Leader if planning to attend and
cancel explicitly if you need to to do so. Please car-share if
possible. Meet at site at time stated. Bring lunch, if desired.
Bring RSPB /YWT card where appropriate. More details and directions from Leader. Visit the Wharfedale Naturalists’ website>

Gouthwaite Reservoir small car park

10 am

Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Birding- Grimwith Reservoir - Wharfedale Naturalists’ Society

Circuit of Grimwith, looking for early waders and warblers.
Meet 10am at the car park SE064641
Leader: David Smith – 07773 716930

Please ensure you ring the Leader if planning to attend and
cancel explicitly if you need to to do so. Please car-share if
possible. Meet at site at time stated. Bring lunch, if desired.
Bring RSPB /YWT card where appropriate. More details and directions from Leader. Visit the Wharfedale Naturalists’ website>

Grimwith Reservoir car park

10 am