Walkers are welcome

Feizor and Smearsett Scar- Burley Walkers are Welcome

Ian Park will lead an 8 mile walk from Stainforth, visiting the dramatic limestone scenery around Feizor.

Allowing for the extra journey time by minibus, we will need to leave Burley Station car park at 9.00.  There will be a £8.00 charge for transport – bring cash on the day. As numbers are limited, please book beforehand via [email protected] .  No dogs allowed.

Leaving Stainforth above Settle, we will visit Stainforth Force then follow the riverside path to Stackhouse.  Beyond and behind the village, we will climb steeply at first into limestone country following the route of Wainright’s Pennine Journey, to the tiny hamlet of Feizor. If not too busy we will have a break at Elaine’s café before heading on to the Dales High Way, then climbing Smearsett Scar before descending back to Stainforth.  Near the end of the walk we may also call into the campsite bar at Knight Stainforth.

Remember to bring a picnic lunch and sufficient to drink. Come equipped for a high-level walk with possible bad weather.  There are several stiles enroute and some steep ascents and descents.

Burley Train Station


Walkers are welcome

Reva Hill and the shooting range- Burley Walkers are Welcome

David Asher will lead a 5 mile walk up to Reva Hill this month. Meet at Burley Station at 10.00.

Leaving Burley via Hag Farm Road we will climb up to Green Lane via the Hermit. We will then follow Courters Lane onto Burley Moor to reach Reva Hill. Before turning back towards Burley Woodhead, we will have a short break at the old shooting range at Craven Hall Hill then drop down to Moor Lane to return to Burley Station.  Those wanting refreshments can continue on to Cockpit Farm Tea Rooms.  There are no stiles but some moderate ascents with one short steep set of steps. Remember to bring a drink or snack for the midway break. 

Burley Station

10 am

Walkers are welcome

Dales Way Working Party- Burley Walkers are Welcome

Anyone who has walked the Dales Way from Addingham to Bolton Abbey will know how potentially hazardous the short section of road-walking can be as you approach Bolton Bridge.  Burley resident Colin Speakman, chair of the Dales Way Association, approached Walkers are Welcome to ask if we could help to make a permissive path to take walkers off the road and into the adjoining woodland.  As a result we have organised a working party on Thursday June 20 to make a new footpath.  

Get in touch if you would like to help with this project to improve safety along a section of this iconic national trail which Colin helped to create 55 years ago: [email protected]


Bolton Bridge

Contact Burley Walkers are Welcome for details

Walkers are welcome

Hazlewood Moor and the Valley of Desolation- Burley Walkers are Welcome

Simon Archer will lead this eleven-mile walk around Hazlewood Moor. Allowing for travel time by minibus we will set off from Burley Station at 9.30. There will be a £6 charge for transport – bring cash on the day. As numbers are limited, please book beforehand via [email protected] No dogs allowed.

Leaving the minibus at Storiths by 10.00, we will drop down to the river near Bolton Abbey, then follow the riverside path to the bottom of the Valley of Desolation.  Climbing up through the valley to reach Hazlewood Moor, we will continue on good tracks as far as Rocking Hall before heading back to Storiths for refreshments at the recently reopened Back O’th’Hill Tea Rooms. Remember to come equipped for a high-level walk with possible bad weather. 

Burley Train Station


Walkers are welcome

Ben Rhydding Circular- Burley Walkers are Welcome

The 5 mile walk this month led by David Asher is mostly at a low level, visiting the eastern edge of Ben Rhydding. Meet at Burley Station at 10.00. 

Passing Sun Lane Nature Reserve, we will cross fields to the A65, before walking steadily up through woodland to Ben Rhydding Drive.  There will be a short refreshment break at Clevedon House restaurant before continuing along field paths back to Burley, returning via Scalebor Park.  There is one potential stile, depending on the return route taken.  

Burley Train Station
