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April Community Litter Pick

Come and join us at the bandstand for an hour from 11am Sunday 28th April. Equipment, guidance and refreshments provided, plus live music from the Wild Women of Wharfedale!

Ilkley bandstand


Friends of Ilkley Moor

Heritage Walk: Twelve Apostles and Beyond - Friends of Ilkley Moor

Climb to the highest point on the moor to discover areas of archaeological and geological interest. We will visit the Twelve Apostles stone circle, dating back to the Bronze Age and steeped in mystery. But widely believed to have a religious and ritualistic purpose involving ceremony and worship. This is a strenuous walk with uphill climbing.

Event leader: Tracy Gray

Walking Grade: Strenuous

Dogs: Welcome on the lead

Meeting Point: White Wells car park

Booking: Contact Tracy Gray on [email protected] / 07780 535860

White Wells car park


Friends of Ilkley Moor

Heritage Walk: Archaeology - Friends of Ilkley Moor

Take a walk that travels back in time to the Green Crag Slack area of Ilkley Moor, where there is the greatest concentration of archaeological features on the Moor. In the westerly extent of this part of the Moor lies Backstone Beck Enclosure; a settlement that may date back to late neolithic times. A moderate walk with some steep inclines and uphill climbing.

Event leader: Gavin Edwards and Tracy Gray

Walking Grade: Moderate

Dogs: Welcome on the lead

Meeting Point: Cow and Calf Rocks car park

Booking: Contact Tracy Gray on [email protected] / 07780 535860

For more info visit their website here>

Cow and Calf Rocks car park


Friends of Ilkley Moor

Moorland Bats - Friends of Ilkley Moor

A guided early evening walk to discover the night creatures of the Moor, and of course in particular bats. Bat detectors will be used to identify the presence of any bats. This is a moderate, atmospheric walk of about three miles around the tarns and within the pine woodland with some uphill climbing involved.

Event leader: Andrew Milne

Walking Grade: Moderate

Dogs: Well behaved dogs on the lead welcome

Equipment: Please bring a torch

Meeting Point: Darwin Gardens car park

Booking: Contact Tracy Gray on [email protected] / 07780 535860

Darwin Gardens car park


Friends of Ilkley Moor

Wildlife Explorers - Friends of Ilkley Moor

A summer school holiday activity for children and young people to discover the landscape of the moor and the animals, insects and plants which live there. Wildlife identification, pond dipping and planting wildflower seeds (in pots to take home) will form part of this activity walk. An easy walk of about two miles.

Event leader: Tracy Gray

Walking Grade: Easy

Dogs: Welcome on the lead

Equipment: provided

Meeting Point: Darwin Gardens car park

Booking: Contact Tracy Gray on [email protected] / 07780 535860

For more info visit their website here>

Darwin Gardens car park


Friends of Ilkley Moor

Wildlife Explorers: suitable for push chairs and wheel-chairs - Friends of Ilkley Moor

A summer school holiday activity for children and young people to discover the landscape of the moor and the animals, insects and plants which live there. Wildlife identification, pond dipping and planting wildflower seeds (in pots to take home) will form part of this activity walk. An easy, slow walk of one mile.

Event leader: Tracy Gray

Walking Grade: Easy

Dogs: Welcome on the lead

Equipment: provided

Meeting Point: Darwin Gardens car park

Booking: Contact Tracy Gray on [email protected] / 07780 535860

For more info visit their website here>

Darwin Gardens car park


Friends of Ilkley Moor

Heritage Walk: Across Crawshaw Moss and Neolithic Sites - Friends of Ilkley Moor

A four-mile walk starting on the lower slopes and gradually climbing to the Twelve Apostles standing stones; continuing to the Trig Point at 1,281 feet: the highest point on Ilkley Moor; and returning down Keighley Road. A strenuous walk of 4 hours, with uphill climbing. This walk uses rough moorland tracks and crosses boggy terrain.

Event leader: Tracy Gray

Walking Grade: Strenuous

Dogs: Welcome on the lead

Meeting Point: White Wells car park

Booking: Contact Tracy Gray on [email protected] / 07780 535860

For more info visit their website here>

White Wells car park


Friends of Ilkley Moor

Archaeology Trail - Friends of Ilkley Moor

Discover the archaeology of Ilkley Moor. Important archaeological sites can be widely found on the Moor, with its famous bronze age carved rocks and prehistoric enclosures. Their importance is recognised and protected as scheduled monuments. This is a strenuous walk, with uphill walking, so bring your walking boots.

Event leader: Alex Gibson

Walking Grade: Strenuous

Dogs: Welcome on the lead

Meeting Point: White Wells car park

Booking: Contact Tracy Gray on [email protected] / 07780 535860

White Wells car park


Friends of Ilkley Moor

Social History Guided Walk - Friends of Ilkley Moor

Learn about Ilkley’s rich history. Humans have lived here since the early bronze age and the Romans had a presence here. More latterly the town became famous as a spa town in the 19th century, with notable visitors including Charles Darwin, who came to take the ‘Water Cure’ at Wells House in 1859. The advent of the railway in 1865 bought additional visitors to Ilkley and a boom in the Victorian era, reflected in it’s beautiful architecture.

Event leader: Alex Cockshott, Ilkley Civic Trust

Walking Grade: Moderate

Dogs: Welcome on the lead

Meeting Point: Darwin Gardens car park

Booking: Contact Tracy Gray on [email protected] / 07780 535860

For more info visit their website here>

Darwin Gardens car park


Friends of Ilkley Moor

Wild Plant Food Forage - Friends of Ilkley Moor

Discover the wild edible and medicinal foods found on the Moor with our summer wild plant food forage; the perfect month to see nature’s bounty. We will have a good forage amongst the hedgerows, woodland, moorland and along the path edges. A moderate walk of three miles.

Event leader: Tracy Gray

Walking Grade: Moderate

Dogs: Welcome on the lead

Meeting Point: White Wells car park

Booking: Contact Tracy Gray on [email protected] / 07780 535860

For more info visit their website here>

White Wells car park
