Walking tips
Top tips for enjoying safe walking
Whatever your level of fitness, walking will help you get out and improve your fitness.
Health Benefits of Walking
Walking brings incredible health benefits and is the most accessible way of getting more active. Some of the benefits include:
Reduces your chances of type II diabetes by 40%
- Public Health England 2017
Reduces your chances of cardiovascular disease by 35%
- Public Health England 2017
Reduces your chances of falls, depression and dementia by 30%
- Public Health England 2017
Reduces your chances of joint and back pain by 25%
- Public Health England 2017
Reduces your chances of colon and breast cancer by 20%
- Public Health England 2017
Reduces risk of hip fractures in women by 40%
- Arthritis Foundation
Walking tips
Look at these tips from the Living Streets website that helps you fit in 20 minutes of walking every day.
- Be prepared: if walking outside town, make sure you know your route and have a map. Know what the weather forecast is.
- Wear reflective clothing if walking at night.
- Walk facing traffic and walk single file if you are walking on a road that doesn’t have pavement.
- Keep the sound down on your headphones, so you are aware of your surroundings.
- Avoid distracted walking (hang up your phone!)
- Keep an eye out for cyclists when crossing roads.
- Know your limitations. Heat stroke, dehydration etc are possible dangers when walking. Always take water & a hat with you in hot weather. Always have a waterproof and lots of layers you can put on / take off in cold weather.
- Crossroads at crossings as much as possible or wait for a gap in traffic and allow for time to cross. Continue looking both ways as you cross.
- Look out for cars reversing out of driveways or car parks.
Extra tips
The Ramblers website has further excellent advice on walking safety including: