Calvary and Middleton Woods
A beautiful walk taking in Middleton Woods and the ethereal Calvary. You will start along the Ilkley riverside up through woods to the Calvary and then through the stunning Middleton Woods (an absolute must in April when the bluebells come out), you’ll then come out near the Ilkley Lido and go back along the river to your starting point. A suitable walk for a casual walker who likes variety.
- Accessibility: A mix of paved and unpaved paths. The route takes you through woods that have uneven surfaces. Not suitable for wheelchair users and pushchairs.
- Points of Interest: Riverside gardens & playground, Calvary, Monastery, Middleton woods, Ilkley lido, cricket ground and skatepark.
- Dog friendly
- Child friendly
- Refreshments: Riverside hotel, ice cream van near the nursery
- Parking: Ilkley town centre car park, New Brook St bridge parking, and riverside car park.
- Toilets: Public toilets by the Riverside Hotel.
Step-by-step guide: West Ilkley Walk
Step 1
Starting from New Brook Street just uphill from the bridge, take the steps down to Riverside Park and head towards the playground with the river on your right.

Step 2
Continue along the river, past the playground, Riverside pub and public toilets, then go up the steps to cross the river at the old stone bridge.
Step 3
Once over the river, turn left to follow the path, now with the river on your left.

Step 4
Keep following the path until it brings you to the junction of Nesfield Road and Hardings Lane. Go up the hill up Hardings Lane, then immediately left on to Owler Park Road.

Step 5
At the point where Owler Park Road turns to the right, go through a gap in the wall on the left at the end of a high hedge, and take the track down through the woods.

Step 6
Stay on the track until you reach a stile, go over this and straight in through the field.

Step 7
Head across to the fence and woodland on the other side, then turn right to follow the fence until you reach a gate.

Step 8
Follow the path up through the oak trees, go over another stile, over a small bridge and turn left to follow the fence through the field above some houses.
Step 9
When you reach the corner of the field turn right to stay in the field and go up the hill.

Step 10
At the top of the field, go over the fence and keep on heading straight up through the next field.

Step 11
Head towards a large wooden gate at the top. Pass through this and keep heading straight up.

Step 12
Curve round to the right above a thicket of holly trees then straight on to a gap in the stone wall in the far top corner.

Step 13
Turn right on to the driveway, then right again on to Owler Park Road.

Step 14
Where Owler Park Road curves down to the right, keep going straight to follow the footpath.

Step 15
Then keep straight on to rejoin the rough driveway and keep going straight along this. You will reach the entrance to The Calvary on your left. Here you can go through the gate and take time to explore the stone carvings and grotto at the end.

Step 16
Back on the path, soon after the entrance to the Calvary, take a gate on your right to join a small footpath.

Step 17
Go through a gate at the bottom, then turn left along a track, through a large metal gate at the end, then right down a gravel drive.
Step 18
When you see the entrance to Myddleton Lodge, stay on the road to turn left.

Step 19
Stay straight on to pass Myddleton Grange on your right and at the junction in the road, turn left to head uphill, then quickly right on to Hardings Lane.

Step 20
After you have passed The Hollies, take the footpath to the right and head diagonally left across the field, towards a large oak tree, then you will see a stile over the fence to take you into Middleton Woods.

Step 21
Turn right at the fork at the bottom of the short, steep section of path, then left soon after to follow the path down through the woods (note: there are many paths down through the woods so don't worry if you don't choose the right one! All will lead you down to Curly Hill road at point 25).
Step 22
When you see a bench, turn right to go down some stone steps.

Step 23
Carry straight on to pass over a bridge, then turn right to pass over a section on boardwalk.

Step 24
At the fork, take the right to head downhill and continue until you reach Curly Hill road.
Step 25
Cross the road and turn left, then soon after take the footpath on the right to enter the woodland again.

Step 26
This will bring you into the grounds of Ilkley Lido. Head to the car park then past the Lido on your left, then continue straight to Denton Road. Slightly to your left on the top of the moor you can see the Cow and Calf rocks.

Step 27
Carefully cross Denton Road then continue straight to take the footpath across the playing field then turn right when you reach the river again.

Step 28
Follow the path with the river on your left, take the ramp up to New Brook Street, turn left to the bridge and you are back at your starting point. Congratulations!